11 Warning Signs of an Alcohol Problem

Do I Have a Drinking Problem

If you feel that you sometimes drink too much alcohol, or your drinking is causing problems, or if your family is concerned about your drinking, talk with your health care provider. Other ways to get help include Am I an Alcoholic talking with a mental health professional or seeking help from a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous or a similar type of self-help group. A number of health conditions can often go hand in hand with AUD.

Tolerance: The 1st major warning sign of alcoholism

Do I Have a Drinking Problem

Those with a drinking problem often consume alcohol excessively or more frequently, signaling an issue. While serious, treatment for a drinking problem isn’t always necessary. AUD encompasses a range of behaviors from mild to severe and includes various physical and psychological symptoms. It may lead to liver diseases, such as fatty liver disease and cirrhosis. Alcohol also increases the risk of death from car crashes, injuries, homicide, and suicide.

Do I Have a Drinking Problem

Choosing an Alcohol Rehab Treatment Program

Alcohol dependence causes people to keep drinking to avoid experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol abuse, on the other hand, involves drinking excessively without having a physical dependence. Alcohol dependence is characterized by symptoms of withdrawal when a person tries to quit drinking. Drinking to excess but not being physically dependent is called alcohol abuse. Once we assess your health needs, our providers will put together a course of action to help you work on a plan for cutting back on drinking and working through related mental health issues.

Do I Have a Drinking Problem

How to Get Help for Addiction

If you’re not sure, consider taking an alcohol withdrawal symptoms quiz to learn more. You don’t have to be homeless and drinking out of a brown paper bag to be an alcoholic. Many alcoholics are able to hold down jobs, get through school, and provide for their families. But just because you’re a high-functioning alcoholic doesn’t mean you’re not putting yourself or others in danger. Binge drinking is defined as drinking so much that your blood alcohol level reaches the legal limit of intoxication within a couple of hours.

  • Whether it’s considered binge drinking will depend on how much alcohol you consume each day and over a week or month.
  • Those problems could include depression, an inability to manage stress, an unresolved trauma from your childhood, or any number of mental health issues.
  • You spend a lot of time drinking, thinking about it, or recovering from its effects.
  • Benzodiazepines can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms, while naltrexone may help you manage alcohol cravings.

For example, if you drink 7 days a week and 5 drinks a day at $8 a beverage, you’re likely spending around $280 a week, $1,213 a month, and $14,560 a year. With what you could be saving a year, it could mean a new car, vacation with your loved ones, or used for unexpected expenses that may arise in the future. The Awareness & Adaptation method is just one way to cut back on drinking. The best way to stop drinking may look different for many people – it is not easy, and it may take several attempts. For some people, they realize they don’t have the ability to stop drinking once they start, so sobriety may be the best choice.

Do I Have a Drinking Problem

When your alcohol use, including being sick from drinking, often prevents you from keeping up with responsibilities at home, work, or school, it’s a problem. You need to drink much more than before to get the buzz you want. Your brain adapts to alcohol https://ecosoberhouse.com/ over time and can become less sensitive to its effects. We’re not talking about just the time with a glass (or can, or bottle) in your hand. There’s also getting the alcohol, feeling sick after you drink, and recovering from the effects later.

  • Drinking to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms is a sign of alcoholism and a huge red flag.
  • If you think that you have a drinking problem, you should seek a full evaluation by a healthcare professional.

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